V-Day Prom: Non-Profit Fundraising Event

With Valentine’s Day upon us, there hasn’t been a shortage of love in the air. But as we all learn eventually, the best (and most important) love we can give is to ourselves first. And what better way to show yourself love than to guide yourself to a life that lets you grow and thrive instead of just surviving.

Well, that is exactly what the V-Daay Prom was about! More specifically, the V-Daay Prom was a fundraising event hosted by the Texas State Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous and in association with the organization Courageous Changes. “TXSCYPAA was founded for the purpose of providing a setting for an annual celebration of sobriety among young people in AA.” As we grow older, a lot of us learn, through trial and error, that we can not give of ourselves to others if we don’t give to ourselves first. For those that turn to AA or other wonderful organizations such as TXSCYPAA and Courageous Changes, they are partnered with sponsors and a support team that will guide them on a path that will allow them to learn to love themselves and their own individual journeys.

OneAway Studios co-owner, and DJ, Melissa Briseno was invited to be the DJ for the V-Daay Prom fundraiser and was happy to accept the invitation. Melissa states, “It’s imperative that we all lean towards better understanding our neighbors and their individual struggles in life. We all have them, but not everyone sees them. If we all focus on making ourselves better in our own way and focus on internal happiness, then that is what can lead to a better world at scale.” Melissa was also happy to support a community that is accepting, and supportive, of all genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and ways of life. “None of us have the right to judge anyone including ourselves. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and perpetually grow into better versions of ourselves.”

V-Daay Prom attendees also had the chance to listen to a panel of speakers that shared their individual sober journeys and how life has been plentiful for them since discovering their own paths. Along with the fellowship, attendees enjoyed a delicious appetizer and dinner selection, a Photo Booth, a fun cakewalk, and of course lots of dancing!

If you or someone you know may benefit from any of the organizations, or if you’d like more information on how you can show support monetarily or with your time, please contact the organizations below. And remember, if you love yourself, you love the world.

Texas State Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous

Courageous Changes

Melissa Briseno

I’m just a girl following her dream & enjoying this ride called life. Let's go!


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